Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Roar !

A gift by Uncle Yang

Monster lion
From my Facebook page , Uncle Yang got to know that I loves drawing. He was so thoughtful and bought a sketch book for me to draw. Once I received it, I was so happy and quickly draw my first picture on the book.

6 years 10 month

Saturday, July 27, 2013


The idea just popped up while we were having supper. I drew on the back of the receipt.

Robot and it's pet


My recent school's homework. I don't like colouring but I have to because teacher will punished if I did not colour my picture.

I love drawing ROBOTS ! I've always wanted a robot who can fight well, so I make sure they are equipped with great weapons !
6 years 10 month


Friday, July 5, 2013

Gross and Gruesome Meals

Menu Front Page


Lunch, Dinner & Dessert
This MENU had been lying on the table for days and mama did not even noticed it. Yesterday, before bedtime I took and showed her. Obviously, she was shocked and felt gross. None of the item in the menu suit her taste.

This is my first time creating a MENU. As my ambition is to be a CHEF, I must plan ahead of what to serve in my restaurant. Do you dare to try ? I assured you they are awesomely delicious !

6 yrs 10 months